(introduce ourselves, and explain that we don't have an interview subject, so we're just going to talk about devenv) Questions - What's the devenv elevator pitch? - What is Nix? - How did you get started in Nix? - Lots of people call NixOS a "great developer operating system" and some of same benefit extends to bare Nix on other operating systems. But I think both of us are in the camp where we put a few asterisks next to it. What's your opinion of why that is, and how does devenv fit into it? Why can't people "just use nix-shell?" - It seems like a daunting task to support "every programming language." I never would have begun such a project. I'm glad you did! What made you think that you would even bother trying? - Other than you, which other contributors should we mention? What have they contributed? - Can you tell us a little about the evolution of devenv? Its control scripts moved from bash, then to Python, then to Rust over the course of a few years. I know why this is, but our listeners don't. - I've been really pleased with the devenv docs; they are not wordy, but everything more or less documented to an adequate level. How did you get the energy to both create the software and document it thoroughly? - Have you looked at devbox, another system which serves the similar purpose of creating development environments based on Nix? - Many people use docker-compose to get some of the same benefits of devenv. I've gotten a little pushback on using Nix and devenv at all when I propose it for customer projects. Why should they take a look at devenv? - Do you have anybody mail you success or failure stories? - One of the really great features of devenv, inherited largely from Nix and nix2container is the ability to create a container from the development environment, which suggests that at some point, it could be used to push code to production in a way that people have become familiar with. It's maybe not 100% cooked yet. Would you like to see that happen? - What are you most excited about in the near future for devenv?